Can I buy software with a purchase order (PO)?

In order to place a purchase order, please request a quote on our Website first for the product(s) you plan to buy. During this process, you can already enter alternative shipping and invoicing addresses, if needed.

Then, please send a written order ("We herewith bindingly order...") on company letterhead with sign and seal by postal mail, fax or e-mail attachment to our e-commerce partner cleverbridge (contact information cleverbridge) or directly to us (contact information mirabyte GmbH & Co. KG). In case you first need to enter cleverbridge as a new vendor in your purchasing system, please see the vendor form information of cleverbridge.

Please make sure that your order contains:

  • The cleverbridge reference number of the quote you are referring to
  • Your official letterhead
  • Signature and/or seal

You can also supply an internal purchasing number or another sign that is supposed to be stated on the invoice.

Finally, once your order has been processed, you will receive an order confirmation, the invoice and additional delivery information by e-mail.

Last modified: 2024-07-04 13:32